Saturday, March 14, 2009

Black Eyed Susan

This is a stem of pale yellow daisy's with a dark brown center sometimes known as a "Black Eyed Susan". This bunch of daisy's include the leaves.

Sweet Pea

This is a stem of a summer sweet pea

White stem of daisy's

This is a white stem of daisy's without any leaves

Pink Rose

This is a picture of a pink rose I did without a bud

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cattleya Orchid Lavendar

This is the second Cattleya Orchid I completed last year.

Cattleya Orchid Yellow Orange

This is a Cattleya orchid I did (my first one ever) last year.

Completed Hydrangea

This is the finished Hydrangea flower after the details (color, leaves, etc) have been added and all of the individual buds assembled. It is very impressive when it is on top of a cake. It gets all of the attention :)